Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"BAARIA" is an Italian film, I just saw, that chronicles the daily struggles of working class people in a small village in Sicily, many of whom who either join Mussolini's Black Shirts, or instead, do the right thing, and become Republican Socialists, to join the anti-fascist partisans, fighting for an Italian Socialist Republic. Brilliant historical film, worth watching, whether or not you're a Republican Socialist or not . In this movie, they show that its the Republican Socialists, like in Ireland, who organize dances and musical festivals, while the Royalists and Fascists condemn men and women dancing together, as a sinful "heathen" practice. In otherwards they would be, friends of De Valera, hahahaha.

 It also shows the Socialist struggle in post-war Sicily, divided between those who supported the Royals and the Mafia versus the Socialists and Union activists. One scene in particular, is really memorable, where the lead protagonist is led to the mountaintops outside of their village, in a kind of political-spiritual mecca, to give tribute and remembrance to all the sites where their former comrades, were murdered by La Cosa Nostra, whom always sided with Big Business, the Royalists, and the Fat Cats, and routinely assassinated anyone who stood up against these scum. Here in New Jersey, there have been similiar martyrs, men that were Union men, who dissappeared at the hands of the De Cavalcante crime family, whom have controlled many of the Unions in north and central Jersey (especially the unions of Elizabeth, NJ) for the past 100 years or so....)

Additionally, the old schism between Revolution and Reform are portrayed brilliantly in this film, with the lead charachter going from Proletarian selfless revolutionary activist to Sell Out Parliamentary Politician , wining and dining with Fat Cats and Bankers and Celebrities, like a Gerry Adams or Martin Mc Guinness.

Well worth a spin.

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